Provider groups in value-based arrangements

Our software platform has been designed for provider groups seeking to shift increasing amounts of specialty care to generalists.


Atman Platform

Our vision is that non-procedural specialty care should increasingly be moved to general practitioners via the aid of smart technology. Our software platform equips a mid-level provider or primary care physician with the tools to tackle the diagnostic and treatment challenges of specialty medicine – including choice and interpretation of diagnostic tests, initiation and titration of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, and systematic handling of side effects. Full transparency of reasoning is embedded in the platform to ensure confidence in every decision.

Our initial product is a cardiac care platform designed to move the entirety of non-procedural cardiac care into the hands of non-specialists. This has obvious benefits for:

  1. Primary care groups in value-based care arrangements, with high spend on specialty care (PACE, C-SNP, I-SNP, D-SNP)
  2. cardiology practices in traditional fee-for-service or risk-sharing payment models looking to increase capacity for high-value activities (procedures, devices, imaging) by moving other care to mid-level practitioners

We are expanding our software to cover other specialty areas, thereby avoiding the challenges of point solutions focused on individual diseases.